surviving and thriving

Today during class someone asked me how one can survive a Ph.D. program with their sanity and general happiness intact. Some quick thoughts: 1. Study something for your dissertation that you’re passionate about / fascinates you…or else your life is going to be kind of depressing and slow. 2. Write every week day for moderate… Continue reading surviving and thriving

objectively felt?

I tend to have a problem with studies that measure nebulous emotional states and then compare them back to other nebulous states experienced at different moments in time. You learn a lot from them about how people answer surveys, but not so much about how they objectively felt. (Judith Warner) Okay, there’s a funny contradiction in… Continue reading objectively felt?

dear college board

What are you afraid of?  SAT folks slap down free, top-tier tutoring for the masses.  (Thanks to Benji for posting)

teaching the revolution

It’s a little weird to read this as one who’s not that far removed from student activism days. Except now I have a normal job…I’m like, the man! (or the wo-man. or something of the sort.)  Anyway, a great article. Also funny to read because I think quite a few of us would be delighted… Continue reading teaching the revolution

charles isherwood on purses

(full review here) Ms. Ephron’s antipathy to the purse stems from her habitual inability to keep hers properly organized and hygienic. In the chaos of its interior she sees a symbol of herself, as in a dark mirror smudged with old lipstick and smelling of spilled perfume. But while laughing with no small sense of… Continue reading charles isherwood on purses