byebye revision #2

Just sent a second revision of a paper back to the editor. Sometimes you have a pretty good indication that if you fulfill all of the reviewers’ recommendations that your revision will be accepted, and other times it’s pretty uncertain. It feels especially risky when it’s revision #2 because if it doesn’t get accepted at… Continue reading byebye revision #2

a true korean (small business) drama

Reposting from AngryPhil. I don’t know anything about this guy, but it’s kind of surreal that his mother’s business (classic Korean liquor store) derailed his nomination to the NJ Supreme Court:

motherlode on race

Some everyday reminders of the broken world that we live in: On a less depressing note, am having a wonderful time in Louisville catching up with friends and seeing my colleague Susan Komives receive the ACPA Lifetime Achievement Award.

viva la clam shell!

I love my LG VX8300 but it’s literally falling apart. Fortunately I have another clam shell waiting in the wings:

when poverty was white

Another perspective on Murray’s book:

jim kim nominated to head world bank

I hope he knows how great the World Bank cafeteria is: I thought that the video of President Kim dancing to Thriller was totally wiped off the internet, but a brief clip survives (this link may be dead in the next 48 hours). [Original article here] If he’s selected, here’s hoping that the World Bank… Continue reading jim kim nominated to head world bank